Local news reports gave dramatic accounts of people leaping from the building's higher floors to air bags positioned by rescuers on the street below.
Over time, she gave many contradictory, and progressively less dramatic, accounts of this purported incident.
Where paradox evaporates is in the dramatic account of the July 20 plot, which makes clear precisely what went right and wrong.
It is by just such a dramatic account of your actions that I hope to cast the deciding stone, as Franklin himself might have done.
A dramatic account of the artist and his struggles.
The alternation of the two in the finale made for a strikingly dramatic account.
There are dramatic accounts of the city's rulers, criminals and prostitutes.
Entirely fictitious, it represents a dramatic and plausible account of what might have happened on that day.
She has given us a highly readable, dramatic account of her crossing.
His handwritten letter dated 15 May 1863 gives a dramatic account of the tragedy.