This drama involves 12 different stories which happened to teenagers, taken from real life social cases.
The prime drama in last week's show involved Melissa, one of the main characters, who was going out with a younger man.
The real drama involves the delegates from 146 nations.
The Culture therefore is usually the backdrop to a drama involving a character from outside with deep inner conflicts.
The drama involved two couples who were next-door neighbors.
The main body of the play consists of a short drama involving just three protagonists.
The ensuing drama involves a backpack, a pickup truck and a bundle of money.
This drama, like the original, involved not only a clash of great forces but also what some saw as betrayal and a measure of revenge.
Process drama in school settings usually involves the whole class working with the teacher in role in a made up scenario.
And it never lets this sturdy kitchen-sink drama involve you even as a soap opera.