People who smoke or otherwise abuse their bodies choose to do so and drain millions from the NHS budget.
Medical inflation is draining millions of dollars from corporate profits, and many employers are cutting benefits or requiring retirees to pay more.
It is draining millions of dollars from the county, and that money cannot be applied to direct services.
In one of history's most brazen displays of disregard for nature, Stalin dammed the Volga, draining millions of gallons for reservoirs and huge electrical plants.
Documents recovered after the collapse of the dictatorship showed that the family had drained millions of dollars from Government agencies.
"Rather than tamping down the flames of violence, it fuels them while draining millions of dollars from more promising efforts to restore safety to our lives."
Among other things, the 17 are accused of controlling a distributor of video poker machines and draining millions from the machines' manufacturer, Bally Gaming International Inc.
An exodus of thousands of students could drain tens of millions of dollars from local school districts, leaving distressed institutions even worse off.
They have drained millions from Chicago racing.
The Florida company has drained tens of millions of dollars from HIP's New York operation, which is also in serious financial trouble.