The dragon hesitated, evidently not liking this, but then got moving.
The dragon hesitated for an instant.
Even dragons hesitated to walk through ditches known to be infested by nickelpedes, and for good reason.
The dragon reached the intersection and hesitated, con- fused by the presence of two items of prey.
I'll have you know that I thought that particular verse was among the best. . .' The dragon hesitated.
If you chomp me, you'll get it" The dragon hesitated.
When working with a group of allies, an adamantine dragon doesn't hesitate to bear the brunt of enemies' attacks.
If the threat prove to be too great to handle, an emerald dragon will not hesitate to retreat.
Neither dragon had hesitated in pushing them away.
The evil dragons hesitated, then their order began to crumble as each moved to protect its own flank from the deadly lances.