Consulting with Orry-Kelly, she suggested a drab outfit, including an ugly foulard dress for Charlotte initially, to contrast with stylish, "timeless" creations that marked her later appearance on the cruise ship.
He put them back and went across the corridor to the incident room where Liz Maud, still in her drab grey outfit, was surprised to see him.
Zhao smiled slightly; even in so drab an outfit, the Vulcan appeared attractive.
She looks washed out, her hair is a mess, a little lipstick or some colorful jewelry or something might have given this drab outfit some much needed zing.
They were called 'Artists' Squares' and, often printed on rayon due to shortages of materials immediately following the war, they brightened up drab outfits in a way that came to be universally loved by women across Europe and America.
The fact that she wore a drab civilian outfit of tan jacket and gray trousers didn't help.
During the Occupation, the only true way for a woman to flaunt her extravagance or add color to a drab outfit was to wear a hat.
I do not wear those drab, funereal outfits.
The girl was dressed in a drab gray outfit that had the look of a uniform.
The only decoration on the olive drab outfit was his name tag on the left breast and the shoulder patch of the First Martian Expedition.