A high block deflects a downward strike such as a hammer fist, a stick or a face punch from a taller opponent.
They also can't use a downward strike with the point of their elbows or strike the back of their opponent's head.
Without turning, Arilyn lifted her moonblade high overhead and met the first downward strike.
The pick itself was too large for even a robust man of his height, and Ikey was reduced to whimpering with each downward strike.
That hardly stopped the mindless zombie, but Ivan's next chop, a downward strike on the collar bone, angled to go across the monster's chest, surely did.
They are brought in a powerful downward strike to the level of the knees, as the trunk stoops forward slightly.
And now he announced his attack so that Taran'atar had plenty of time to parry the downward strike at his head.
Kiti-kai k'osh (sweep from left to right, upward snap to jaw, overhead downward strike)
Quintana blocked the lunge with his baton, using a spinning downward strike which carried him left.
Gwen swooped above the trees; but Fess broke from cover as she began her downward strike.