The final shipping and clinical manipulations are technically manufacturing steps, but may lay outside of what most bioprocessing facilities would consider to be downstream processing.
This approach reduces significantly the expenses for downstream processing in bioprocesses.
The steps of downstream processing are:
Protein Precipitation is widely used in downstream processing of biological products in order to concentrate proteins and purify them from various contaminants.
Such an approach would consider fermentation conditions and economics, as well as downstream processing (extraction).
The areas in which high-throughput monolithic column technologies are likely to have the largest economic impact are R&D and downstream processing.
He points out that 'industrial production can give rise to substantial aerosols, particularly at the stage of downstream processing where centrifugal separators, for example, are often used.
Aqueous biphasic systems are used during downstream processing mainly in biotechnological and chemical industries.
Secondly, the shape and size of the mold is designed to allow for ease of ingot handling and downstream processing.
Beside bioprocess development and downstream processing, his major focus was process analysis and process modelling.