The downstream portion of the island was retained as a nature reserve and was extensively replanted with trees.
The Médoc is itself divided into Haut-Médoc (the upstream or southern portion) and Bas-Médoc (the downstream or northern portion, often referred to simply as "Médoc").
Steel fence post supports are used on the downstream portion as well to hold the pipes in position.
When the fluid within the displaced section is at rest, both the upstream and downstream portion of the displaced section will vibrate in phase with each other.
Stream capture occurs when an upstream portion of one river drainage is diverted to the downstream portion of an adjacent basin.
This is a list of bridges in the French city of Lyon on the Rhône and Saône rivers, ordered from upstream in downstream portions of the river.
Boating, fishing and camping are popular at the reservoir itself, while the downstream portion of the Fryingpan River has become well regarded as a Gold Medal fishery.
The mining industry and the state disagreed, arguing that covering the upper stretches of a stream was acceptable if downstream portions were not impaired.
Later, the downstream portion of this route was traversed by York boats rather than canoes.
In the upper reaches, some of these plants are controlled by private interests; in the downstream portion, they are owned by the United States Government's Tennessee Valley Authority.