Looking upstream, the steepest slopes are normally near the source of a brook (with the exception of very hard rocks in downstream direction).
Main cargo to be transported in downstream direction from kakinada to rajahmundry are coal, fertilizer, salt and rock Phosphate.
In the downstream direction (from the cable operator to the user), the digital information is carried on an unused TV channel.
In the downstream direction, this isn't a huge problem.
This system assigned each major island a number, which increased in the downstream direction.
The bottom of the valley is mainly flat, and has little or no gradient in the downstream direction.
Aillas drew back and, keeping to cover as much as possible, made a wide half-circle in a downstream direction to the river-bank.
One process sending data primarily in the downstream direction is downloading.
Green gates must be negotiated in a downstream direction, red gates in an upstream direction.
This is a "downstream technique", where the angler moves in a downstream direction.