If not properly managed (through outlet piping geometry) or accounted for (by structural reinforcement of downstream components), the resulting pulsations can cause fluid cavitation and/or damage to components downstream of the blower.
Nonconforming cells that are reduced in priority may then be dropped, in preference to higher priority cells, by downstream components in the network that are experiencing congestion.
The feedwater has to be specially conditioned to avoid problems in the boiler and downstream components.
Construction was completed on all the project's upstream and downstream components by year-end except the gas processing plant located at Ras Laffan.
The products, systems and solutions currently on offer are part of the downstream component of the solar value chain.
If some components have to be physically larger than the space provided or require other "upstream" or "downstream" components to be modified as well, then the consequences of pursuing such a concept must be similarly recognized at an early stage.
Filtration is typically placed first in the AHU in order to keep all the downstream components clean.
However, this thrust growth route is expensive, since all the downstream components (e.g. turbines) have to be larger (in flow capacity).
They can also be found in power supplies for digital circuits, where they are used as a sort of "circuit breaker" or "crowbar" to prevent a failure in the power supply from damaging downstream components.
In a simplified model of the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, the binding of Wnts to their receptors activates a downstream component, Dishevelled (Dsh).