Recently, though, the line has seen few mediocre games and one downright bad one, and some began to wonder if the series had run its course.
There were a bunch of Bureau Directors that followed, and they were all either mediocre or downright bad.
That's downright bad to have a lead like we did and then get totally outplayed the entire half.
No one was downright bad, but there were standouts.
Not all generals were good, many were downright bad, but Sharpe had usually been lucky and found himself commanded by men who knew their business.
Business was not even fair, it was downright bad.
I wish you'd make up your mind to be downright bad.
Ryan Davis said that the visuals were "badly outdated" and the animation "downright bad."
It's downright bad form, particularly in a league trying to sell a lot of television space and sneakers and tickets costing up to four figures.
Many entries are mediocre, if not downright bad, and sifting through them requires full-time attention.