Take a Closer Look Here are online resources to help you evaluate charities: * www.guidestar.org This site has financial reports, including downloadable images of Form 990 information returns.
Each film comes with support learning material including transcripts, quizzes and downloadable images.
Waldseemüller's map at the Library of Congress (includes downloadable digital image)
View a high-quality downloadable image of the District.
Many, for example, already offer downloadable images of bikini-clad models from magazines like Sports Illustrated and Maxim.
Please visit our Link to GovLoans.gov page to obtain downloadable images and details on linking to GovLoans.gov.
The outside links include hundreds of downloadable images of medieval illuminated manuscripts from the Biblioth'eque Nationale de France (http://www.bnf.fr/enluminures/aaccueil.shtm).
Each day in October, an Icon is featured with a video, biography, bibliography, downloadable images and other educational resources at www.lgbthistorymonth.com.
Access simple linking instructions and downloadable images to help even more citizens find Benefits.gov.