The series was released in ten downloadable episodes beginning from September 7, 2011 before receiving a Blu-ray and DVD release on March 15, 2012.
The series consists of five retail episodes, supplemented by two downloadable episodes.
And as consoles go online, especially if they are equipped with hard drives and high-speed connections, she said, game developers could expand games with downloadable episodes and other updates.
In an interview, Saji admitted that multiple downloadable episodes are in production, but could not provide a release date.
The day after broadcast, downloadable episodes debuted in Canada on MoboVivo.
Knothole Island and See the Future, the downloadable episodes for Fable II, were sub-par at best.
On September 15, 2010, Capcom announced a second downloadable episode: Case West.
The first downloadable episode The Lost and Damned has a brief scene containing full-frontal male nudity, uncommon in video games.
Using Valve's Source for its engine, The Dinohunters is distributed in free downloadable episodes for the PC.
He did confirm, however, that Remedy will be releasing some downloadable episodes, which will serve as a "bridge" between seasons one and two.