She said frankly that she did not consider me a "down-to-earth guy."
In reality, yours might be a nice, down-to-earth guy, or he may be a she.
"If you come across as a down-to-earth guy with a sense of your own being, they like that."
"He's still a down-to-earth guy, very family oriented and a good hockey player."
He remains the same down-to-earth guy he was before coming to Hollywood.
"Steve was a very down-to-earth guy, a great defensive coach," Weinmeister said.
Atsushi is a mature, open, down-to-earth guy who holds a fascination for the military.
He was a down-to-earth guy, a very regular person as recent presidents went.
I wanted a down-to-earth guy with a sense of humor who'd be forthcoming, quick-witted and would trust me.
It can be a pretty daunting choice for a down-to-earth guy who just wants to get his face clean.