Prime Retail ended the year with its value down 21 percent.
Despite its gains yesterday, the Nasdaq closed the week down 9 percent.
After a hot start, that $4 million fund finished 2000 down 1.4 percent for the year.
The market recovered a bit the following day but ended the week down 13.4 percent.
The stock ended the week down 18.5 percent; it has lost more than half its value since May.
So why are sales, never spectacular, down 26 percent this year?
But that still left technology funds down 38 percent for the year.
But it lost all of the gain on Friday and finished the week down 30.80 percent.
Five days later, a bad earnings report drove the price down 9 percent in a single day.
The Russell 2000 index closed the week down 0.54 percent.