"And this acquisition dovetails perfectly with our existing collection."
And then we did it a third time, with little bluesy variations that dovetailed perfectly.
We would then have a pattern of perfectly dovetailing decisions.
The reason: the music on VH-1 dovetails perfectly with the mainstream taste that generates big ratings for network shows.
It would dovetail perfectly with several other pieces of information they already had about several pending cases.
This dovetailed perfectly with Arfons' interest in racing mechanics.
"And so my way of working dovetailed perfectly with the style Ron laid out in his mission statement."
It was a cool, carefree and easy time that dovetailed perfectly with the generic Vespa image.
Where he is in his personal life dovetails perfectly with the troubadour appointment, which runs two years.
Mr. Dearden said that the character dovetails perfectly with the excesses of the 80's.