Smith's reputation among his contemporaries as a humourist and wit grew to such an extent that a number of the observations which are now attributed to him may be of doubtful provenance.
It's the other guys who try to pass fraudulent traveler's checks or sell a painting of doubtful provenance.
At the same time, however, works by prominent artists but of doubtful provenance were being passed in at auctions.
Of the novels that are attributed to Lewis, some are of unquestionable attribution, while others are of more doubtful provenance.
Thousands of posters were produced for the event, but the exhibit was marred by doubtful provenance.
It was like the back rooms of museums everywhere, full of junk and things there is no room for on the shelves and also items of doubtful provenance, such as coins dated '52 BC'.
A fifth volume, supposedly taken from his notes but of doubtful provenance, was published in 1954, long after his death.
Birds' early diet is commercial feedstuff from non-organic, degraded sources, with both grain & protein boosters of doubtful provenance.
Both museum organizations had issued guidelines in the last year and half requiring their members to come forward with information on works of doubtful provenance.
He actually "slurped" it up, washing it down with an American chablis of doubtful provenance, and showing increasing signs of inebriation.