I am amazed, Warlock, that a man of your judgment should have advanced money on so doubtful a proposition.
A doubtful proposition.
Because they knew that gold mines were a doubtful proposition.
It is a dangerous and doubtful proposition, even with its parenthetical qualification, for it implies that any subject can be treated with a common ground.
The age-old idea of hand sewing as specific to women - part of a repertory of useful skills or graceful pastimes - is a doubtful proposition in modern times.
However, the time to develop and engineer such a design in such short notice made this a doubtful proposition.
In Yemen, it trusted the port authority not to be infiltrated by Islamic kamikazes, a doubtful proposition at best.
But the vote tonight short-circuited that momentum, making the success of the override vote now an open if not doubtful proposition in both chambers instead of just one.
That may sound at first like a doubtful proposition.
Life has become a doubtful proposition for the four million children caught in the crossfire of Africa's wars.