That doubt quickly evaporated as the two men rose to their feet, and then looking to the stars above them, physically ascended into the night sky.
Analysts said that if prices remain around current levels for a couple of weeks, doubts about whether the deal will be completed should evaporate.
My doubts about New Orleans evaporated on my first night.
The last niggling doubt he had about carrying out the ceremony evaporated.
But there was no time to ponder the matter now, and the doubts evaporated in a surge of determination that propelled him forward.
But by the next day our doubts had evaporated, replaced by a growing outrage.
Once on court, though, those doubts would evaporate, replaced by a serene ability to lose himself in the game.
On the other hand, any doubts he had about their being involved were rapidly evaporating.
"I'm sure," she said, as all her doubts evaporated.
With that verse, all doubts hanging in his mind evaporated.