They predicted that similar doubt would continue to surround President Zia's death.
But, despite all my sensible, reasonings, the doubts continued to gnaw at me.
The wonder was increased, though the doubt continued to exist.
The dispute over Heisenberg will no doubt continue, perhaps for another half century.
They began dating in February 2000, but her doubts about a long-term relationship continued.
Messi has dominated it for the past 3 or 4 years, and will no doubt continue to do so.
Skepticism about the Chinese markets set in far earlier among foreign investors, and their doubts have continued.
But the doubt and suspicion continued to grow...and the fear.
Hasan's doubt continued, but he shook it off and lost himself in action.
Construction of the sites has been a disaster and will no doubt continue even as competition gets under way.