Wall Street's recent doubts about Merck's ability to maintain its strong growth, as well as pressure from the Clinton Administration to cut drug costs or possibly Merck's own self-restraint in raising prices, have clouded its stock performance.
Suspicions and doubt clouded the back of his mind, but mention of Jaden took precedence over his feelings.
In the hush that followed the King saw the doubt and the fear of the nightbeasts cloud their faces.
During his time at Brington, George began to ask questions about his Anglican faith and doubts clouded his mind.
A faint doubt clouded her eyes.
Japanese stocks fell on light volume as doubts over the immediate outlook for the economy clouded the market.
But then doubt clouded his anxious brown eyes.
But doubt clouded the veteran's eyes -how was he to beat a man he could not wound?
There were other things to fight for, something that might still be saved, and no doubts clouded his mind about that.
Yet doubt clouded Ander's mind.