Little or nothing escapes his eye and that makes any book he writes doubly valuable to the serious students of railway history.
Barber is not just a good player, but also a solid person, which makes him doubly valuable.
Being the youngster's mentor makes you doubly valuable to me.
Your age and appearance make your support doubly valuable.
That, in Terle's mind, made him doubly valuable.
In contrast, tropical forests appear to be doubly valuable to the earth's climate system.
The fact that you've served in tanks is doubly valuable to me.
He was rapidly becoming one of Greer's star analysts, and his British connections made him doubly valuable.
He was one of the faction that followed the "we are all brothers" faith, and that made him doubly valuable to her, and vice versa.
Because menopausal women are concerned with osteoporosis and heart disease, yoga is doubly valuable.