Winning submissions will be short-20 double-spaced pages or less- and need not be technical.
A gigabyte is equal to the amount of information on 62,500 typed, double-spaced pages.
Ministers, in my experience, rarely read more than two double-spaced pages.
Sessions are uniquely structured so participants share, aloud, up to six double-spaced pages of their work at a time.
That's the equivalent of about 30 double-spaced typewritten pages.
After all, a double-spaced typewritten page is about 2,000 characters.
That is equivalent to nearly 1,000 double-spaced typewritten pages, which might seem to be enough for anybody.
There he began writing an autobiography that would eventually fill 270 typed double-spaced pages.
It was 1,100 double-spaced pages and 294,000 words, not 330,000 words.
"The thing is, I have to find a way to produce ten double-spaced pages that say it."