By the end of the year, unemployment is expected to double to about 20 percent.
Private label sales have almost doubled in the last four years, to around 6 percent of the market.
This year, the figure has almost doubled, to 19 percent.
As for the independent vote, it has almost doubled over the past decade, to around 18 percent.
But they have doubled to 43 percent in the same period.
It doubled to 39 or 40 percent over the next five years.
Within 30 years, the population over 65 is expected to double, to 25 percent.
In the next 7 years, it doubled again, to 43 percent.
The percentage of veterans 65 years and older is expected to double in the same period, to 50 percent.
It went on to raise rates six more times in the next year, doubling the federal funds rate to 6 percent.