The last of the sun glowed behind us as well, so that everything on the hillside threw a double shadow.
The low buildings gaped in the double shadows of the moonlight.
In it, the camera's flash and his deep black skin provide a double shadow against Pearlena's bright summer suit.
It's these double shadows that would drive anyone insane.
The high forms swayed in the water, casting double shadows on the waves.
As the double shadows extended, the crowd grew still, though it shuffled its feet like a great beast.
Everything developed odd double shadows as the light became brighter still.
For a little while, as the first day of the new age grew to maturity, Gibson watched his double shadow lying up- on the ground.
The double shadows in the courtyard had become so deep that torches had been brought to offer enough light to see by.
They showed the still trees, casting tremendously long and shifting double shadows.