The company expects to double its revenue this year.
Riding a national growth trend in Christian books, music and apparel, the company said it had doubled its revenue every year since 1991.
Analysts said that Lucent would have the potential to be a big money maker, perhaps doubling its revenue within five years.
In the process, he has nearly doubled Nickelodeon's revenue and profits.
Experts expect the $57 billion temp industry to nearly double its annual revenue by 2006.
In fact, he predicts that within 10 years the company will double its $13.3 billion annual revenue.
The acquisition would also roughly double the company's annual revenue to $767 million.
All these moves nearly doubled the industry's revenue in five years, but they also gave satellite radio its opening.
Granted, Tenneco has almost doubled its revenue since 1993, reaching $7.2 billion in 1997.
If an owner wanted his dog to have two play times a day, the kennel could double its revenue.