But I gladly spend the money ($28.95), thinking, "That's only 10 double lattes."
A double latte, and a slice of Chocolate Sin.
We shared a double latte and a huge chocolate chip cookie, and grabbed a quarter pound of ground coffee - all for $10.75.
He makes everything sound as easy as ordering a daily double nonfat latte, which by the way he advises you should not do.
It's about as popular as no-fat double lattes with whip.
"I've already had two tall double lattes, and I'll probably get another today."
I've learned to request short double low-fat lattes and Cognac in wineglasses, not snifters.
Requesting an iced double short latte (don't ask), he walks to the counter to get himself a napkin.
"Why don't you pick me up a double latte on your way back."
A customer sauntered in and ordered a double latte.