The circus showdown delivers a double jolt - Monday/Early Tuesday at 1 A.M. Cole Porter, meet Agatha Christie.
Despite the double jolt, he was breathing easier, and his heart was slowing down.
It was a double jolt.
This surprise brought a double jolt to his memory-of Hiroko, emerging out of the snow to lead him to his rover- then of Ann, in Antarctica, striding over rock to meet him- but for what?
Miami, which lost to Nebraska Sunday night in the Orange Bowl, took a double jolt today when two of its top underclassmen said they would skip their senior years and enter the National Football League draft this spring.
Give him a double jolt of bracers.
What the pills did was to deliver a neat double jolt to the thyroid and the pituitary, temporarily deranging the hormone balance and putting the metabolism into high gear.
"This has been a double jolt," said Larry Cooley, who ventured out today to buy his wife a cheesecake for her birthday.
The double jolt of bad news left the Mets in a kind of daze.
There was a double jolt as we were loaded onto a sorter, then a gentle surge as we launched into free fall.