It is always worth double checking that the particulars of the charge within the deed match those submitted on the appropriate Form.
In the absence of any authentication from the city, we've been trying to do our own double checking.
It might be worth double checking if your airline re-checks liquids and baggage weight at boarding though.
So checking and double checking with club medical staff before ingesting any kind of medicine is probably a good idea.
He ran back around the other six boxes, counting, double checking.
Cut the haddock into bite-sized pieces with scissors, double checking for bones as you go.
In some cases, the last text article as been used as a credits page, so it may be worth double checking there.
On the other hand, it's quite possible they've been keeping loose tabs on you and were double checking.
Higgins made it sound more like and order than responsible journalistic double checking.
I have checked with several members of the ground crew as well as double checking myself, and we can still see no man on the runway.