The death toll of this double bombing reached 60.
The double bombing is not just the biggest joint counterterrorism investigation mounted overseas by American intelligence and law-enforcement agencies.
The regime claimed that the double bombings were carried out by al Qaeda, which it said had infiltrated opposition ranks.
Both the Islamic Jihad and Hamas claim responsibility for the double bombing.
The double bombing on Thursday occurred in Rabia, a town about 75 miles northwest of Mosul, near the Syrian border.
A double bombing in Bombay that killed more than 50 people in August also raised tensions.
May 29, 1977, Istanbul, Turkey: a double bombing in railroad station and airport killed five persons and wounded 64.
Both the Islamic Jihad and Hamas claim to be responsible for the double bombing.
And Federal authorities said last week that dynamite had been used in the double bombing of an Atlanta clinic on Jan. 16.
The attack consisted of a double bombing.