Merkel knows that her own electorate will rebel if she hands billions over to rotten nations like some doting aunt.
In five months, Gid was able to pay back only one hundred dollars, and his doting aunt stopped doting.
A doting aunt who looked for any opportunity to bond with her niece and nephew, Jenny was dying to go.
He had already acquired his nickname, 'Lovie', from a doting aunt.
Though doting aunt and bleating beau Reiterated it was so.
Brought up by a doting aunt whose only means of discipline was telling the boy how much better he was than anyone else.
But he also has a doting aunt, a poor clergyman cousin, and two young sisters to support, all of whom adore everything the finest.
Dolly and Jane were busy with the children, and they seemed like a couple of doting old aunts.
The admiral turned to her aide and gazed at him like a doting aunt.
I shall be a doting aunt to your children.