Never mind that there are few dot-com companies to speak of.
This is not to say there are no dot-com companies left.
A majority (61 percent) said that they found talk of dot-com companies to be confusing.
The video game publishers did not, however, experience the same level of rise in stock prices that many dot-com companies saw.
To be sure, there is still life among many high-technology and dot-com companies.
It shares no relationship to the failed dot-com company that shut down in 2001.
A. There is little hope for the vast majority of the dot-com companies that were funded over the last four to five years.
It would have been the first union vote at a dot-com company.
"We're not talking about the Nasdaq or your friend's dot-com company that went out of business," he said.
And unlike many dot-com companies, the leaders in this industry are already profitable.