In mathematics and physics, when using Newton's notation the dot denotes the time derivative as in .
The dot denotes the derivative with respect to time, and because p is constant its derivative is zero.
The dot above a variable denotes derivation with respect to proper time .
Secondly, the bricks do not fall randomly; a small black dot on any one given brick denotes that it will fall if hit by the ball.
But there is a common misconception that the brown dot denotes egg-products and that meat-products are distinguished by a red dot.
An alternative (and, perhaps, simpler) derivation is as follows, with dots (for example, ) denoting percentage growth rates.
Also, dot denotes differentiation with respect to proper time counted along the world lines in the congruence.
Both use dots to denote what page you are on (but Samsung moved theirs to the top).
Thus, velocity is the time rate of change of position, and the dot denotes the derivative with respect to time.
Each black dot which appears on the website's world map denotes the death of a child due to starvation.