Men were boiling out of the main building and the dormitory wing.
In 1964 a further dormitory wing was added, which became known as "Woollacott House".
Two former classroom "pods" serve as dormitory wings for residents and visitors.
The four bathrooms are in an elevated dormitory wing, meaning that gravity drains the pipes.
The dormitory wings of Johnson burned in 1923 but were rebuilt to house 100 women.
A new dormitory wing, "Two Wing," was built in 1932.
In the 1960s, a new dormitory wing was added to house both male and female students.
Even if the bedrock could have been welded solid in an in-stant, the entire dormitory wing was unstable.
The entire dormitory wing had become dangerously unstable and would have to be torn down and rebuilt in a different location.
He'd been confined to his own chambers in the dormitory wing, but his rooms had suffered only minor damage.