But how much did sports officials really know, or admit to knowing, about the doping practices of this era?
We also want to show the clean athletes that we are doing everything in our power to prevent this drug from entering the paraphernalia of doping practices.
Petrini continued to rally against the usage of performance-enhancing drugs, showing concern especially for the spread of doping practices among the young.
This political conflict has abetted the spread of doping practices and underlies last year's legal assaults on doping.
Voet later described many common doping practices in his book, Massacre à la Chaîne.
The same year he wrote a series of articles and took part in televised interviews exposing the past doping practices.
Most Tour followers thought it was due to a doping practice that went wrong, but officially it was attributed to food poisoning.
In it, he claims to have revealed all that he knew regarding doping practices in the cycling world.
He suffered a heart attack in 1995, which he attributed to his past doping practice.
Many years later, Landis claimed that Witt may have killed himself because of his knowledge of Landis' doping practices.