One fax message includes a catalogue of benefits for donations ranging from $5,000 to $250,000.
And the word-of-mouth network has quickly spread the message across the country, bringing in donations ranging from $5 to $50,000.
The Health Security Express had a budget of $1.4 million-$1.9 million and was funded by donations ranging from $3,000 to over $100,000.
Their foundation, established in 1957, annually makes scores of donations ranging from seed money to million-dollar grants.
Others accept a meal, or a donation ranging from $5 to $100.
Torchwood Magazine reported that the site had raised nearly £4,000, with individual donations ranging from £2 to £50.
Mr. Keating and his associates had contributed heavily to the campaigns of all five senators, making donations ranging from $30,000 to $110,000 in recent years.
In addition, 314 individuals gave donations ranging from $25 to $500,000.
In 2010, Pearl and Coutts were listed as providing donations ranging between £10,000 and £49,000.
Reviving a Lost Work In 1947 the group bought its present headquarters, a building on West 47th Street, with donations ranging from $1 to $100.