The donation of the cup brought attention to hockey at the university and stimulated an interfaculty competition.
They believe that in this way, the donation could bring double benefit.
A few 11th-hour donations and some radical restructuring brought the college back from the brink.
At the time of his retirement as President in 2011, additional donations had brought the total fund to $2.1 million.
Both donations brought criticism and debate within the Church.
These donations brought his lifetime giving to Michigan to $141 million, making him the largest donor in the school's history.
A $50 donation brought access to the most revealing of the images.
Ian Michaels, a spokesman for the board, said it was the board's practice to examine any donations brought to its attention.
The campaign, which operates on a $10,000-a-day budget, hopes that late donations will bring the trip's take to $100,000.
An additional purchase and a donation from South Africa in the early 1950s brought the estate to its present size.