Many persons nearing death and seeking to withdraw from the world into a quasi-religious life donated some or all of their goods to the monastery.
Later this mannamala was in custody of Vellappally family and they donated that 96 acre land to the monastery.
The king proceeded to donate it to the monastery of Sahagún.
A townsman from Gammenheim - the village's name at the time - donated his grain harvest to the monastery in 1278.
Female residents live in a house which was separately donated to the monastery.
In 1127, three brothers, called of Schelklingen, donated property to the monastery of Urspring.
President Sadat donated land to the monastery to be brought into cultivation.
A married couple of strong faith donated a vineyard to the monastery from their property in Nußloch.
Géza's son, King Stephen I donated estates and privileges to the monastery.
He donated the casket to the monastery of Beth ʿAbe.