The Lee family still dominates political discourse in this city-state of 3.4 million people.
Still, patience and confidence in the process seem to prevail over the conspiracy theories that typically dominate political discourse here.
Mercantilism dominated Western European economic policy and discourse from the 16th to late-18th centuries.
I tried hard to break through all the either/or debates that dominated national public discourse.
There are more serious problems with a profession that has come to dominate civil discourse and institutional leadership in the United States.
Other developing countries should not regard this step as fulfilling demands for just such restrictions that dominated international discourse in the 1980's.
As perhaps the most successful and popular government program of all time, the effects on Social Security have dominated political discourse in recent years.
How is it possible that 18C ideas are dominating economic and political discourse in the 21C?
No book in recent memory has so dominated public discourse here.