Three years on from their defeat, and with the Democrats certain to dominate Washington, the hopes of the intelligent design movement appear dead.
And as this year's debate about the nation's debt showed, nothing is off limits to the political brinkmanship that has come to dominate Washington.
We must take away power from the entrenched bureaucracies and special interests that dominate Washington.
Louisville dominated top-seeded Washington, using a big spurt late in the first half and then cruising from there.
But with questions about White House and Democratic fund-raising dominating Washington, partisanship is on the rise once more.
The prospect of war so dominates Washington that vital elements of the campaign against terrorism have fallen by the wayside.
Nebraska dominated Washington before fading, 36-21, and allowed Colorado to rally for a 19-19 tie.
Israel dominates Washington to the point of destroying members of Congress for even raising forbidden questions.
Instead he proposed a new, stricter standard "to take away power from the entrenched bureaucracies and special interests that dominate Washington."
The culture of money dominates Washington as never before.