Those two teams were the dominant ones in the 1980's, winning seven national championships.
To many less advanced species, dominant ones can appear almost god-like.
While there were many sensational stories in the World, they were by no means the only pieces, or even the dominant ones.
Although Curl comes in several flavors, the two dominant ones are lightly salted and cheese.
So on Thursday the musical pleasures remained the dominant ones.
Males try to mate with several females but large, dominant ones may violently claim a female if another mature male comes near.
In a two-party system of politics, the term third party is sometimes applied to a party other than the two dominant ones.
Maybe what we really want is for our children to be the dominant ones!
Asian nations, however, have been the most dominant ones worldwide.
None of today's open standard technologies, or even the dominant proprietary ones, do timecodes right.