In addition, the state's dominant newspaper, The Oregonian, vociferously championed repeal.
Nonetheless, after the war Halden Arbeiderblad returned and became the city's dominant newspaper.
Today's issue of the dominant daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, illustrates how widespread that view is.
It was the dominant Spanish-language newspaper in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
The Press had been the dominant newspaper.
And there were some who said that that was what propelled it to become the dominant newspaper in New England.
The Tribune, which has a daily circulation of more than 600,000 and is Chicago's dominant newspaper, responded with a highly unusual editorial.
The Courier-Journal became the commonwealth's dominant newspaper, a position it retains to this day.
The newspaper was started as a competitor to the city's dominant, conservative newspaper Sarpen, and became even more outspokely liberal with time.
This became the dominant newspaper in Linton.