If there was a single dominant narrative in Europe these past two weeks, it was one of goodbyes.
The NDP surge became the dominant narrative of the last week of the campaign, as other parties turned their attacks on the party.
This counters the dominant narrative of the primary season that Democrats were bitterly divided while the Republicans quickly rallied around their candidate.
It was the first time in U.S. history when misconduct was a dominant narrative in the mainstream press.
You are one of few writers who are questioning the dominant narrative of this crisis.
In these post-Communist, post-modern times, human rights seems to have become the dominant moral narrative for thinking about world affairs.
In fact, significant aspects of their lived experience may contradict the dominant narrative in their lives.
He often assumes a detached outsider point of view, in conflict with dominant historical narratives.
At least, that was the dominant narrative.
Their runs at the record books became the dominant narratives of individual seasons.