Intel, the dominant maker of semiconductors for personal computers, was also weak, falling 2 3/4, to 69 1/2.
But it is also clear that the company, though still the world's dominant maker of athletic shoes, is in need of a hit product.
In Europe, it is the dominant maker of consumer electronics like coffee machines and CD players.
Intel Gains Intel, the dominant maker of computer chips, rose 3/8, to 72 1/4.
HAS the world's most dominant maker of microprocessor chips hit the wall?
For many years Avalon Hill was a dominant maker of wargames.
Sony is a major customer of Intel, the dominant maker of computer memory chips.
Compaq will leave the computer printer business, giving the dominant maker, Hewlett-Packard, room to widen its lead.
Intel, the dominant maker of personal computer chips, is down 41 percent this month since its disclosure that revenue is running well below forecast.
The addition of Cisco's Internet phone expertise could make the company the dominant maker of home telecommunications networks.