This was a dominant belief of one of the most influential strains of Greek philosophy.
Around the end of the 19th Century, such ideals were out of favour, with the dominant beliefs at the time being social darwinism.
Christians up until the 19th century, held dominant scientific beliefs that were founded on the biblical narratives of Creation and the universal deluge.
Right now the dominant belief among us middle-class educated types is that we can somehow express ourselves through the design of our belongings and frippery.
Now, in a rush, it has become the dominant belief of mankind.
Despite some socialist groups within the alliance, the dominant economic belief is capitalist.
Second, there is the unifying dominant beliefs of Irish catholic nationalism.
For many, many years, right down to the present day, the dominant belief among pension investment people is fundamentally wrong.
A resistant reading is a reading of a text which moves beyond the dominant cultural beliefs to challenge prevailing views.
In the 19th century, the dominant belief was in progress.