Engagement with the various power centres in Iran does not automatically entail support for a regime that suppresses domestic dissent.
The headline was inspired by a recent panic about domestic dissent.
It was likely that "if present trends continue," allies there would "opt for repression rather than reform to manage domestic dissent."
And no doubt the Islamic regime will amply exploit these collective memories to advance its nuclear program even as it stifles voices of domestic dissent.
The ruling family allows no domestic dissent, so radical Islam has always served as the outlet for those who would topple their government.
Ghezo's rule was defined by some important military victories, domestic dissent, and transformation of the slave trade economy.
Ruling communist parties have also been challenged by domestic dissent.
The Gulf war also ushered in a form of domestic dissent, mostly from Islamic fundamentalists, challenging the authority of the royal family.
However, while Agonglo was able to act independently, domestic dissent prevented him from directly challenging Oyo power.
Bethlen was also able to reach an accord with the labor unions, earning their support for the government and eliminating a source of domestic dissent.