These records are received or maintained by an agency, person, or public domestic authority.
It does not include public domestic authorities or public foreign authorities.
Edward, according to his younger brother's memories, had always shown a rebellious independence of spirit against domestic or external authority.
Additionally, each island's authorities were divided into the Venetian and the domestic authorities.
Rather than moving quickly to establish security and then gradually turning over control to a legitimate domestic authority, we have done the opposite.
As the Times reported previously, today's coverage mentions the concern some civil libertarians have about this unprecedented augmentation of domestic military authority.
Import licences are only issued to those with domestic authority to possess.
Obviously the snake arrangements required intervention by domestic monetary authorities when currencies looked likely to break out of the 2 per cent band.
The domestic authorities can simply allow internal inflation to push down the rate of exchange.
The first is the degree of involvement of Eurojust in direct communication between the domestic authorities.