He helped get tougher penalties for violent and repeat domestic abusers and worked to increase penalties for unlicensed drivers.
Pacey's father is also an alcoholic and a domestic abuser, who either ignores or bullies Pacey every chance he gets.
Maybe that would make some of the strip-club crawlers, domestic abusers and gun carriers think twice.
Stefani describes her relationship as unhealthy because of this disparity, comparing herself to "a sick domestic abuser looking for a fight."
The clear parody of Poe was portrayed as a drunkard, liar, and domestic abuser.
Such evidence has become crucial in bringing domestic abusers to justice.
To date, this law has kept more than 150,000 guns out of the hands of convicted domestic abusers.
The man seems like the distillation of every domestic abuser we've heard about for the last three hours - and yet, in the absence of physical violence, the police are helpless.