Since the sites of integration into the target DNA are relatively non-specific, it is thought that this domain may work together in some fashion with the target DNA.
Cross-linking studies also suggest that the C-terminal domain works together with a subterminal region just inside the very ends of the viral DNA.
The lead petitioner, Eric Eldred, wanted to make public domain works freely available on the Internet.
Through this landmark partnership with Google, Wisconsin is taking a leading role in preserving public domain works for future generations and making the Library's resources widely available for education and research.
The respondent also has to know how the new equipment is reducing environmental pressure, i.e. within what environmental domain (air, waste, waste water etc.) the equipment is working for.
"One of the ways industry will latch on is to use asynchronous techniques to get synchronous domains connected and working reliably," he said.
The project aims to raise awareness of the public domain by promoting public domain works from across the web, including from Europeana, the Internet Archive, Wikimedia Commons.
However, both domains still work.
DNA-cleavage domains work on any DNA sequence so binding to a wrong gene sequence will change it instead.
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