Once his domain had stretched from the sea, across the seven mouths of the Delta, southwards to Assoun and the first cataract?
On every hand Jeremy heard expressions of gratitude to Apollo, whose domain of domesticated flocks and herds obvi-ously stretched to include apiaries.
With his conquest west of the Oder River in 1002, his domain stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains.
The geographic domain of the conference stretches from Texas to South Carolina (west to east) and from Missouri to Florida (north to south).
Its domains stretched along the Valley of the Main from the Rhine to Bohemia.
Their domain stretched across the Shkumbin valley and the old Via Egnatia road and reached to the east today's Manastir.
By the end of his reign, his domain stretched from Vanga to Bhuvanesha while in the east, his kingdom bordered Kamarupa.
By 1760, the domain of the Marathas stretched across practically the entire subcontinent.
A cultural historian recounts the glories of Renaissance Venice, a mighty maritime empire whose domain stretched across northern Italy and the Mediterranean.
And some Chinese officials have said China's domain stretches 188 miles from China's coast, in which it has primary fishing and mining rights.